It’s the NEVILLE BRODY D&AD PRESIDENT’S LECTURE in London tomorrow night at Logan Hall. It’s set to be a good one with Adrian Shaughnessy present to ask Neville a set of questions as part of a discussion, and CREATIVE REVIEW ALSO GIVING THEIR READERS THE CHANCE TO SUBMIT THEIR OWN QUESTIONS to the man via TWITTER, which is a nice touch we think.
We’re not going to be able to make it tomorrow, but would have loved to, as at the end of the talk the audience will be invited to hold up one of two flash cards to let Brody know if he is a Genius or Wanker.

It’ll be interesting to see the result.
We thought that the flash cards are somewhat restrictive though, and lack the opportunity to be a bit more expressive towards Neville. He may be a bit of both, none at all, or something else.
So we’ve done a bit of a mashup of the two to give any attendees a few more options on the night.
If you want to be more polite than saying ‘wanker’, you could use…

Or if you think the man has the ‘X factor’ there’s a card for that…

If you just don’t ‘get’ him at all…

Or maybe you just want to go for a drink with Neville. If so make sure he sees this…

We were sad enough to think of loads this morning, but it’d be dull to give too many away.
Can you think of any more mash up flash cards for Neville’s talk?
If anyone is going to the talk, and thinks a mash up card may give a better description, please do one, and if you take a picture of the card at the talk we’d love that.