Last night we attended a D&AD President’s Lecture featuring NICK BELL.

He attracted an audience of over 400 people, and it was clear to see why. The work was of an exceptional quality, especially the exhibition work for the Churchill Musueum and the Sellafield Visitor’s Centre, which was very eerie indeed.
He also showed us his thinking into rebranding Manchester United, which was a huge task, but was given a simple execution that for want of a better word, ‘united’ the many different parts that make the club. Unfortunately, the rebrand didn’t see the light of day which was a shame. He also flashed up a shot of Christiano Ronaldo being shown a red card, much to the delight of James and Stu.
Normally, we would have tried to film the event, but D&AD had that covered, so it may appear on their site soon.
Thoughtful also used the event as an opportunity to raise awareness of our friends FRANK WATER. Thoughtful and copywriter LINDSAY CAMP have been working with FRANK on their tone of voice recently, so we were interested to see what a room full of creative types would make of their very honest way of communicating what they do. The responses we got back were really positive, and we know all too well that designers are a hard bunch to please.