After visiting the excellent Haunch of Venison gallery in London last week, we had an idea for a kind of art concept. The idea centres around galleries, and how they’re often very minimal, but architecturally very interesting. Especially when they’re stark white, like the picture below.

On to the idea. We’d take a gallery like this, with lots of passages, nooks and crannies, and fill it with blank canvases, plain white statues, ceramics and sculptures. All of which would be laid out how you’d expect in a gallery.

Then we’d put together a guest list for a preview night. On the night as the guests arrive, we’d kit them out in full paintball gear.

The guests would then be put into teams and and invited to take part in a paintball game.
The gallery, as expected, would get totally covered in paint (from all the poor shots)…

…and hopefully, so would all the canvases, sculptures, ceramics and statues.
They would become artworks as a result of the paintball game.

The gallery could be left to dry and opened for public viewing, and the art auctioned off afterwards.
If you’re a gallery owner with a keen interest in paintball, or think that Jackson Pollock was a genius, get in touch with us. It’d be fun to see this happen for real.