Yesterday, Thoughtful took part in a Santa run around Salford Quays in aid of the BHF. It wasn’t a long distance to run (3km) for someone like James, who is used to doing regular 9-10 mile runs. But for someone who is just about used to running for the bus (Chris), it was a quite a challenge. The event was also good practise for Stu, who is due to take part in the BATH HALF MARATHON in March for FRANK Water.
We arrived at Salford Quays to pick up our Santa suits and were met with the sight of hundreds of Santas doing a mass warm up. It was quite a surreal really. To top off the good spirits, the race was kicked off by the one and only Chesney Hawks.
Here are a few shots of the day.

Chesney is the one in the beige coat and turned up jeans. He was quite short.

We wish we’d thought of getting round the course like this.

This is about 20ft from the finishing line. Notice how James looks as if he’s just warming up, while Chris looks as if he wants to keel over and die.

We managed to complete the course (without stopping!) and think we all finished in the top 30. All in all, it was a good way to spend a Sunday morning. Ho ho ho.