Yesterday, we took a trip down to Mwnt beach in west Wales, to meet our friends at howies and talk about a project we’re all working on.

After our beach meeting, we spent a few minutes picking up the litter which had been washed in, just a few hours before we arrived.

Mwnt beach is a beautiful and small beach, and it was a real shock for us to collect (amongst other things) over 50 plastic drinks bottles. If this happened everytime the tide came in, in a year the number of bottles would be close to 38,000.

Thankfully, the people at howies take time out of their business and regularly come down to Mwnt beach for a trash walk – even in late December, when it’s ‘minus seven’.
Good work howies.
Thoughtful’s ’Environmental News Story’ on the issue by reporter Stuart Price, can be seen below.