Adam Morris from MANCHESTER MET was the first out of the tombola, winning one of our D&AD Annuals. His act of Thoughtfulness was designing a set of motivational badges that take you back to the good old days of being rewarded for doing a good job with a gold, silver or smiley face sticker.

Here’s Adam collecting his Annual, today.
Maithili Kabre won a D&AD Student Membership, and her act of Thoughtfulness was to collect scrap pieces of A4 paper to make into sketch pads. Maithili studies at the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DESIGN, AHMEDABAD.

Maithili with her sketch pads.
Rob Butcher and Caroline Paris from LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY also won a Student Membership with their cool projections for the SAMARITANS.

And James and Joe from the UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS, won a pair of D&AD Lecture tickets. Their act of Thoughtfulness was to make a stranger merry for Christmas.