Thoughtful were recently invited to take part in the YCN’s Pinata Challenge. YCN sent out 50 pinatas designed by Anna and Lauren from JIGGERY POKERY, to various studios and individuals, and the challenge was to open the pinata in the most interesting way.
For those who don’t know what a pinata is, according to Anna and Lauren, a pinata is a brightly coloured paper container filled with sweets and/or toys. It is generally suspended on a rope from a tree branch or ceiling. Typically a succession of blindfolded, stick-weilding participants try to break the pinata in order to collect its contents.
Here’s what we came up with. It was actually quite a scary experience!

We didn’t manage to break the pinata, so if anyone else wants a crack, email and we’ll send it out.
Thanks to the ever thoughtful MAT WRIGHT for letting us use his studio, cheers Mat.